Over the past weeks, while students were busy studying for their examinations, Martial House was actively involved in a series of activities. Let’s take a look at what the Martial House team has been up to!
During Mid-Autumn Festival, Martial House was invited to perform at three different events. As such, under the lead of the Martial House coaches, three groups of performers set off to three different locations to put up an action-packed Wushu performance. Martial House “The Young Wushu Warriors” @ Mid-Autumn Festival Event 2015 https://youtube.com/watch?v=qzTFgdzUwCc The performers were: Group 1 – Led by Coach Wang Kai Ting: a. Zachary Ng b. Austin Chong c. Berlynn Ng d. Douglas Leow e. Joelle Ho
Group 2 – Led by Coach Wan GuangYao Eric: a. Chan Jun Wen b. Koh Yu Shan c. Jeffrey Tan d. Lim En Chang e. Joey Boo f. Lim Wu Cong
Group 3 – Led by Coach Jessen Tan: a. Kingston Chua b. Seow Wei Kai c. Shawn Tan d. Bryan Wong e. Reyes Teh f. Galvin Thor
Besides the Wushu performers, the Martial House Traditional & Modern Lion Dance Troupe was also active during the recent weeks as the troupe was invited to perform in two major events.
Firstly, the opening ceremony of Claymore Connect, a new mall on Claymore Road, linked to Orchard Road via Orchard Hotel.
Secondly, Sembcorp celebration dinner to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sembcorp’s utilities business. Martial House would like to congratulate both Claymore Connect & Sembcorp for achieving their respective milestones!
The Martial House team has also successfully concluded its Wushu seminar sessions and the response from parents and students were positive and encouraging! A big thank you to all who attended the seminar. Hope the seminar has provided you with a better understanding of the Wushu landscape in Singapore!
With the mission to promote Wushu as a cultural art and sport across generations, Martial House has developed a wide range of programmes for students to better appreciate the Chinese martial art.
It was a privilege for Martial House to conduct an introductory workshop at Radin Mas Primary School, Greendale Secondary School and Jurongville Secondary School where students were introduced to Wushu through interactive presentations and hands-on activities.
The students from Teck Ghee Primary School also had a whale of a time with Martial House through the fun and engaging Wushu aerobics programme! https://youtu.be/V1R-AbNAUMo The past weeks were definitely fulfilling for Martial House! However, the fun does not end here. There are many more fun and exciting activities prepared by the Martial House team, especially during the year-end holidays! Stay tuned to Wushu Daze to find out more!
If you are interested to engage Martial House for performances and/or to find out more about its workshops and programmes, do send your queries via email to [email protected].
Mass Tai Chi Session @ Marina Barrage
On 18 September 2015, the team of Martial House instructors conducted a mass Tai Chi session at Marina Barrage for 450 foreign delegates.
The delegates came from 12 different countries, including Brazil, Chile, Germany, Mexico and Spain.
The objective of the event was to provide delegates with first-hand experience with Tai Chi to better understand and appreciate this form of Chinese martial arts.
With Instructor Jessen Tan leading the team, the Martial House instructors showcased a simple Tai Chi routine.
Delegates were then split into smaller groups to learn the basics of Tai Chi from the instructors.
After which, instructors and participants gathered to execute the routine together. It was indeed a magnificent sight!
Instructors and participants then interacted to take photos together with the beautiful landscape of Singapore!
Hopefully, the session provided an engaging and enjoyable experience for all!
It was a great pleasure for Martial House to conduct such a massive event for the foreign delegates.
Martial House would like to thank all instructors for making the event a successful one! Below is a video tribute to all instructors: http://youtu.be/bS7y9kP7YYU
Mr. Leo on “Face Off!”
On 29 July 2015, episode 16 of “Face Off!” was broadcasted on national television. In the episode, Martial House Managing Director, Mr. Leo Wen Yeow, was one of the guests on the show!
“Face Off!” is a MediaCorp Channel U’s variety talk show where guests from different sectors of the society will be invited to carry out a discussion on different social topics.
In view of the recent rise in accidents and mishaps , the hosts and guests discussed about whether Singaporeans have a sense of crisis. To find out more, click here to watch the show on Toggle.
Missed the GeTai Challenge?
Didn’t manage to watch the joint performance by Marcus Chin and the Martial House Stars on the GeTai Challenge – The Ultimate Battle on television? Fret not, click here to watch it on Toggle!
Before the performance, an introduction video was played where the renowned celebrity Marcus Chin expressed his gratitude to Martial House Artistic Consultant & Choreographer, Gordon Choy for choreographing and arranging the performance!
Also, a familiar back was discovered! That was Martial House Coach, Jessen Tan! Coach Jessen, one of the heroes behind-the-scene, was the main coordinator of the six Martial House Stars for the show.
The item by Marcus Chin was definitely one of the largest scale performance for contest. With the combined effort of all the team members, a successful performance was delivered which won Chin the First Runner-Up title! Once again, congratulations to Chin and team!
To the Martial House Stars, well done! Hope you guys enjoyed the experience!
Martial House @ NDP 2015!
9 August 2015 marks the Golden Jubilee of Singapore as we celebrate her 50th year of her independence! Once again, Martial House was privileged to be part of the National Day Parade (NDP)!
Under the guidance of choreographers, Gordon Choy & Wan GuangYao Eric, the Martial House NDP Creative Team was formed. The team, consisting of Martial House instructors and youth leaders, was tasked to plan and choreograph the performance act of Chapter 6 – “Onwards – Bright Future”.
After the planning phase, the Martial House team proceeded on to teach the student participants from the Ministry of Education (MOE) the choreography and movements. More than 680 students across 9 different schools were involved in the act.
After months of hard work and practices, the student performers have successfully delivered a spectacular performance during NDP 2015!
The performance would not be possible without the active participation of the students and the support of the various groups, including the soldiers from the Singapore Arm Forces (SAF), principals and teachers from the primary schools as well as the parents and/or guardians of the students!
Martial House would like to thank MOE for believing and engaging the team to be part of this historic SG50 performance and at the same time, express its gratitude to all the instructors and youth leaders for contributing to the success of the performance! Below are some of the media coverage of the performance item: 1. The Straits Times Facebook Page on 9 August 2015.
2. Channel NewsAsia Singapore Facebook Page on 9 August 2015.
3. The Straits Times, page A20 & A21 on 10 August 2015.
4. The Straits Times, page B11 on 10 August 2015.
5. Lianhe Zaobao, page 6 on 10 August 2015.
If you have missed the spectacular performance by the students, you may catch it on YouTube by clicking the link below. Chapter 6 – “Onwards – Bright Future” starts from 2:13:29. https://youtube.com/watch?v=lCVpWoOS9KM Besides the main performance at the Padang, a second team of Martial House youths, led by coaches Kevan Cheah & Ng Teck Hong, were at The Float @ Marina Bay for another performance!
Coach Teck Hong’s photo was captured and spotted on the Facebook page of Lianhe Zaobao too!
Despite all the hectic rehearsals and heavy commitments, it did not prevent the Martial House youths from participating in the performances! Kudos to the Martial House youths!
The nation’s Golden Jubilee was indeed a fulfilling one for Martial House! Hopefully this SG50 experience was memorable for all and let’s look forward to a stronger and brighter Singapore! Majulah Singapura!
Damien Teo on “My Secret App”
Have you watched the drama “My Secret App” which features Martial House Star, Damien Teo? This drama has put Damien’s acting skills to the test as he had to act with his imaginary friend “App App” which does not exist on set during filming, i.e. Damien has to literally talk to the “air”! Watch the drama to witness Damien’s superb acting skills! “My Secret App” is currently broadcast every Tuesday on E City, Starhub TV Channel 825/111 at 9.00pm. Otherwise, you may catch the drama via YouTube by clicking the link below. https://youtube.com/watch?v=5Wxuby6S8Ok&list=PLkFpRcJNVzUq8KZKhpHbx_U5pOQKXogEO
Video: Bruce Lee – The Lost Interview
https://youtube.com/watch?v=PFQ7UxUdIH8 Bruce Lee is definitely one of the most greatest Chinese martial artists of all time! His renowned “one-inch punch” has fascinated many even up till today! Besides being a reputable martial artist, Bruce Lee was also a philosopher. He shared his ideas and thoughts in a charismatic manner as shown in the interview video above. It was no wonder that his “be like water” quote is still remembered by many. Do you think you are as influential and charismatic like Bruce Lee? If yes, the contest, My Story “Who am I”, is for you! Click here to find out more about the contest.
Video: Mass Demonstration of Wushu Basic Movements
https://youtube.com/watch?v=taVSFrlJvMY The above video is a mass demonstration of Wushu basic movements by athletes from China. Along with the commentary, the video explains to the viewers about the importance of foundation training in Wushu.
An Inspiring Video: “Am I The Worst Mom Ever?”
https://youtube.com/watch?v=sgv_9nJOeqw An inspiring video by MILO Thailand which all parents can relate to. A big thank you to all parents for the continuous support you have given to our athletes.
Martial House Stars @ 28th SEA Games Opening Ceremony
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NgZqtDYC-9Y Missed the exhilarating aerial performance by the Martial House Star, Koh Hao Xuan during “Act 2: Imagination” of the 28th SEA Games Opening Ceremony? Watch the video above now! Can you spot Austin Chong among the leads and the Martial Stars among those in the Blood Ship?