Martial House June Holiday Programme

Image The June Holiday is approaching and Martial House has a series of activities planned just for you! 1. 6-Day Sembilan-Malaysia Wushu Training Camp (Overseas) Image This overseas camp will be conducted on 8 – 13 June 2014. Students will not only train with Malaysian athletes, but also experience their culture through a series of fun-filled activities! 2. Wushu Day Camp (Local) Image The Wushu Day Camp has a total of 6 sessions which ranges from 1 day to 5 days. The itinerary for each camp session is individually customized by the Martial House coaches who will be conducting the camp at Martial House @ Katong. For more information regarding any of the camps mentioned above, kindly contact Martial House via phone at 6440 2878 or email at [email protected] or feel free to approach any of the Martial House staffs.  Closing Date: 1 June 2014  

Greenridge Primary School Wushu Team on TV!

Greenridge Wushu Team A short Wushu demonstration by students from Greenridge Primary School Wushu Team was aired on national television! The Wushu performance was the opening scene for the Channel 8 variety show, Back To School: Episode 4! Click here to watch the video on xinmsn. Thanks Coach Eric for sharing the video!

A Big Congratulation to Xu Bin!

Star Awards 2014 (1) Last night was a night of glamour as it was… Star Awards 20! Students from Martial House were given the honour of watching the show “live”! Star Awards 2014 The Suntec Convention Centre was filled with much intensity each time an award winner is announced. Martial House students were extremely thrilled when Xu Bin won the Top 10 Most Popular Male Artistes award! Xu Bin was also the winner of London Biscuits Happiness Award! Xu Bin (1) Congratulations to Xu Bin and a big thank you to those who have voted to make his win possible!

Happy 60th Birthday to Master Leo!

Some of you may be curious about why there is recent commotion about the past of Martial House and Dewu Pugilistic Association. You start to see old photos and videos appearing on Facebook and even here on Wushu Daze! But why? It is because students from Martial House was preparing a surprise video for Master Leo Kee Ann! Master Leo A big thank you to all who have took the time and effort to self-record your birthday wishes for Master Leo! As you can see, Master Leo was so happy when he was watching the video, especially when his older students appeared! Master Leo (1)As there were late submissions, some videos were not included in the compilation but fret not, you can still view them here. Rest assured that Master Leo has watched each and every single video posted! Lastly, on behalf of Martial House, I would like to thank all coaches, parents and students who came for his birthday celebration! Master Leo Birthday P.S. 29 April 2014 is the actual day of Master Leo’s Birthday.  

[Contest] Star Awards 20 Show 2 Tickets for Grabs!

Star Awards 20 Logo Martial House will be giving away tickets for the upcoming Star Awards 20 Show 2! In less than 50 words, tell us why you want to watch this year’s Star Awards 20 “live”. All entries are to be posted under the comments section of the “Star Awards 20 Show 2 Tickets for Grabs!” post at Wushu Stars by Martial House Facebook Page! Outstanding entries will be awarded with 2 tickets each to the Star Awards 20 Show 2!

Xu Bin

Also, do not forget to vote for Xu Bin for the Top 10 Most Popular Male Artistes award category!

After 6 Years, Meridian Junior College is Champion Once Again…

MJC Champion

The following is a note by MJC Wushu teacher-in-charge, Ms Vina Ng:

“6 long years… This championship would not be possible with the effort of all the alumni, students & coaches for the past few years.

The other time we won the championship was in 2008. It was my first batch of students. I was told that it is relatively easy to maintain the achievements by others in the college. I was a noob (sad to say… yes). Had to learn from scratch. But I was blessed to have an excellent exco & coaches who guide me all the way.

As the years passed, I soon realise it wasn’t easy at all…

I still remember the days where we couldn’t use the Wushu carpet because it’s kept in some store room. We got chased out from the training area because some one else needed to use despite us booking it. And a student told me to speak to her teacher when I told her we booked it. I felt so useless as a teacher because I got no say…The times where the training area was flooded cos of heavy rain (no windows back then). We had to use the area outside the hall on the slippery area because we got nowhere to train. We had to use umbrellas as swords because it was the weekend and the weapons are locked up in the CCA room. The times where lights were off at 8pm sharp and we had an injured boy with us. Ya all the iphones were used to provide lightings for the paramedic to bandage him up. The faces and remarks we faced when we approach students for DSA trials. But the students & alumni never gave up. Even when we could not maintain the achievements. Batch after batch, the alumni showed concern for their juniors in so many different ways. Indeed we have come a long way to have 4 carpets now, fans & lightings switches that we can switch on and off whenever we like. Cupboards to store our weapons at the training area and not forgetting windows to keep the rain out. Students wondered why I kept sharing all these stories (nagging at times..), I want them to know that whatever they are enjoying now are the results of sheer hard work of their alumni. The alumni have no obligations to help out at all, they have their own lives to live, but they did. 饮水思源 & team spirit are values that seem to be lost in the world now and I hope you guys don’t lose these values. I’m proud to see you guys changing the jiti routine to accommodate your team mates. To support one and encourage another even when you know we are facing national team players. To have the courage to face your opponents and to congratulate them when they win. This is true sportsmanship.” The MJC Wushu Team is really blessed to have Ms Vina Ng as their teacher-in-charge and Martial House is really honoured to work with teachers like her. Let’s continue to work together to bring MJC Wushu to greater heights!

MJC Wushu Alumni