Martial House @ NDP 2014

NDP 2014

After months of training, all the time, effort and commitment of the Martial House participants were finally paid off during the National Day Parade (NDP) 2014! 

Martial House and the National Cadet Corps were involved in “Act 4 – Be It!” of NDP which required the participants to form the Lion Head symbol at the end of the performance act. It was definitely a challenging task and the execution would not be possible without the planning and coordination of our talented and capable choreographers, Gordon Choy & Wan GuangYao Eric!

NDP (2)

The lion head symbolises courage, strength and excellence, as well as resilience in the face of challenges. These are the values Martial House aims to instill in students.

NDP (4)

If you have missed the performance by Martial House during this year’s NDP, click here to view the performance from 2:13:55 to 2:19:05.

The next major performance which Martial House will be involved is Chingay 2015! If you are interested to participate in this massive street parade, kindly email your name, NRIC number and contact number to [email protected].

[Updated] Sentosa Outing on 28 July 2014!

Image Martial House will be having a cohesion on 28 July 2014 (Monday) from 10.00am at Sentosa! This cohesion is for all Martial House staffs and students to bond together as one big family! Other than games and activities, we will be having a simple potluck picnic so do bring some food to share! The date of the cohesion has changed because a number of our Martial House Stars are involved in the National Day Parade (NDP) rehearsals on Saturdays. Interested parties, kindly click here to complete this form to RSVP now!

[Updated] Recruitment for Chingay 2015!

Image Martial House will be involved in the upcoming Chingay 2015, the largest street performance and float parade in Asia! As such, we are recruiting performers! Do note that we are not only recruiting performers from Martial House, but from the entire Wushu community in Singapore too! It is a great platform for people with similar interest and passion for Wushu to unite and form a contingent to deliver a mass display together! The performance by the martial arts contingent would be one of the main highlights of Chingay 2015! Many for asked about the the age requirements to participate in this event. As Chingay is a national event that promotes community involvement, we would like to have participants across varying age groups! There is no age discrimination! Interested parties, kindly approach any of the Martial House staffs to express your interest now or email your name, NRIC number and contact number to [email protected]! Let’s be part of this national event together! Click here for more information about Chingay.

6-Day Sembilan-Malaysia Wushu Training Camp

Malaysia Training Martial House will be organizing a 6-Day Sembilan-Malaysia Wushu Training Camp during the June Holiday from 8 June 2014 to 13 June 2014! Students who are actively involved in competitions are encouraged to participate in this training camp as students will be given the opportunity to train with top-notch athletes from the Malaysian team. For more information, click here or feel free to approach any of the Martial House staffs.

Martial House June Holiday Programme

Image The June Holiday is approaching and Martial House has a series of activities planned just for you! 1. 6-Day Sembilan-Malaysia Wushu Training Camp (Overseas) Image This overseas camp will be conducted on 8 – 13 June 2014. Students will not only train with Malaysian athletes, but also experience their culture through a series of fun-filled activities! 2. Wushu Day Camp (Local) Image The Wushu Day Camp has a total of 6 sessions which ranges from 1 day to 5 days. The itinerary for each camp session is individually customized by the Martial House coaches who will be conducting the camp at Martial House @ Katong. For more information regarding any of the camps mentioned above, kindly contact Martial House via phone at 6440 2878 or email at [email protected] or feel free to approach any of the Martial House staffs.  Closing Date: 1 June 2014  

A Big Congratulation to Xu Bin!

Star Awards 2014 (1) Last night was a night of glamour as it was… Star Awards 20! Students from Martial House were given the honour of watching the show “live”! Star Awards 2014 The Suntec Convention Centre was filled with much intensity each time an award winner is announced. Martial House students were extremely thrilled when Xu Bin won the Top 10 Most Popular Male Artistes award! Xu Bin was also the winner of London Biscuits Happiness Award! Xu Bin (1) Congratulations to Xu Bin and a big thank you to those who have voted to make his win possible!

[Contest] Star Awards 20 Show 2 Tickets for Grabs!

Star Awards 20 Logo Martial House will be giving away tickets for the upcoming Star Awards 20 Show 2! In less than 50 words, tell us why you want to watch this year’s Star Awards 20 “live”. All entries are to be posted under the comments section of the “Star Awards 20 Show 2 Tickets for Grabs!” post at Wushu Stars by Martial House Facebook Page! Outstanding entries will be awarded with 2 tickets each to the Star Awards 20 Show 2!

Xu Bin

Also, do not forget to vote for Xu Bin for the Top 10 Most Popular Male Artistes award category!