The National University of Singapore (NUS) Invitational Wushu Championship 2015 (otherwise known as the Wushu IVP) was held on 31 October 2015. The competition is an annual event where students from tertiary institutions across Singapore gather to compete in traditional Wushu events.
After a full day of intense competition, Martial House athletes from the various institutions have made outstanding achievements!
Under the guidance of Coach Wan GuangYao Eric, Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) has attained a total of 2 Gold, 10 Silver, 3 Bronze & 1 3rd Runner-Up medals! Congratulations to Team NYP!
This year, Martial House athletes, Yap Wei Ren & Seow Wei Kai formed a two-man contingent to represent Singapore Institute of Management (SIM). The two athletes participated in a total of 3 events and swept all the gold medals. The 3 Gold medals attained resulted in Team SIM winning the Overall 2nd Runner-Up in the competition!
Also, Wei Ren was awarded a score of 8.96 during the Traditional Xiang Xing Quan (Male) event. It was the highest score awarded in this year’s competition! Well done!
Martial House athletes who represented their respective institutions performed well for the competition too! They attained a total of 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze & 3 3rd Runner-Up medals!
The former captain of Meridian Junior College (MJC) Wushu Team, Toh Xiang Hao was also awarded the Male Individual All-Round award! This remarkable achievement meant that Martial House athletes have dominated the award since its introduction in 2012 (Timothy Chan – 2012 & 2013; Yap Zheng Yan – 2014).
To sum it up, the Martial House athletes have clinched a total of 6 Gold, 11 Silver, 4 Bronze & 4 3rd Runner-Up medals in the NUS Invitational Wushu Championship 2015! Congratulations to all athletes!
It was a great pleasure to have many Martial House students, seniors and alumni who spent the time and effort to travel all the way down to NUS to support their juniors, fellow team mates and friends!
On behalf of the athletes, Martial House would like to thank all supporters for the help and assistance provided. Hope you guys managed to catch up with long time no see friends too!
Once again, congratulations to all athletes for successfully completing the competition! Have a good, well-deserved rest!
31 October is also a special day for Martial House Coach Kevan Cheah as it is his birthday! Martial House & Wushu Daze would like to wish Coach Kevan a blessed birthday! Stay happy & young forever!
Selection Trials for Taolu Centralised Team 2015
Click here for more information. Martial House athletes who are interested in the selection trials, kindly inform any of the Martial House coaches. [From: Singapore Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance Federation’s Website]
Martial House @ Wushu TrailBlazer 2015, Xin Xiu ELITE Summit
On 1 & 2 August 2015, a total of 84 Martial House athletes participated in the Wushu TrailBlazer 2015, Xin Xiu ELITE Summit. These athletes represented 4 contingents, namely: 1. Martial House 2. Victoria School 3. Pei Hwa Secondary School 4. Meridian Junior College
The Martial House contingent was represented by 66 athletes, making it the largest participating contingent in the entire competition!
During the 2-day event, athletes faced intense competition from both local and international contingents. After numerous hard fought battles in the various events, the Martial House athletes attained a total of 36 Gold, 16 SIlver & 13 Bronze medals! 1. Martial House
2. Victoria School
3. Pei Hwa Secondary School
4. Meridian Junior College
Congratulations to all prize winners! To those who did not win, do not be discouraged. Continue to work hard as your time to shine will come eventually. Hope this competition provided a great learning experience to all participants!
Wushu competition is not just about winning. It provides a platform for students to understand and appreciate the various forms of Wushu, both traditional and contemporary. It also provides the opportunity for students to interact and learn from one another!
Wushu competition also helps to train one’s determination and perserverance. When they enrolled their children for Wushu classes with Martial House, Mdm. Gina Koh and her husband also enrolled themselves for adult Taiji classes. As a beginner, Mdm. Koh faced challenges during the early learning phase as she was unfamiliar with the movements of Taiji. However, she was determined to improve. Besides her regular weekly classes, Mdm. Koh would also practise her movements while waiting for her children’s Wushu class to end. Slowly but gradually, Mdm. Koh overcame those challenges and became comfortable executing the varying Taiji movements. She continued to boost her confidence and eventually, she decided to participate in her first competition where she attained two Gold medals! Well done Mdm. Koh!
Martial House & Wushu Daze would like to congratulate and thank Sino Wushu for organising such a successful event! And to all Martial House athletes, continue to work hard and train hard, to conquer bigger stage and competition!
National Wushu & Sanda Championships 2015
The National Wushu & Sanda Championships 2015 was held from 13 to 16 August 2015 at Woodlands Sports Hall. As the year 2015 was a hectic year for the Martial House family (with the involvement of Chingay Parade 2015, 28th SEA Games & National Day Parade 2015), a relatively smaller group of 9 athletes was formed to represent the De Wu Pugilistic Association contingent in the annual competition this year.
The athletes who represented De Wu Pugilistic Association were: 1. Josephine Lee Sze Min 2. Yap Wei Ren 3. Beatrice Tan Wei Zhen 4. Yeo Jun Wei 5. Joelle Ho Jen Hui 6. Austin Chong Sze Ze 7. Leow Kee Teck, Douglas 8. Seow Li Tao Jonathan 9. Berlynn Ng Xuan Qi
Despite the small contingent size, the athletes have performed well in this year’s competition! Also, fellow Martial House athletes who represented their respective school contingents have delivered outstanding results too! In total, the Martial House athletes have attained a total of 6 Gold, 4 Silver & 1 Bronze medals! Congratulations!
This year, there were competitive events which did not meet the required minimum number of participants. As such, these events became demonstration events and athletes were presented with certificates. From Martial House, the athletes who were presented with these certificates were:
Congratulations to all athletes for their outstanding performance in the National Wushu & Sanda Championships 2015! Martial House would like to single out some of the athletes for special mentions. 1. Emily Sin Min Li – Highest Score Awarded in a Regulated Routine
Emily was awarded a high score of 9.40 during her 1st International Nanquan event. It was the highest score awarded to an athlete in a regulated routine event as well as in the entire competition. The Team Singapore athlete has definitely proven that she is one of the best Nanquan athletes in Singapore today. 2. Yap Wei Ren – Highest Score Awarded in a Freestyle Routine
Wei Ren was awarded a score of 9.20 during his Freestyle Changquan event. It was the highest score awarded in a freestyle routine in this year’s competition. Wei Ren is probably one of the most versatile Wushu athletes in Singapore who has made remarkable achievements in traditional, regulated and freestyle events. 3. Josephine Lee Sze Min – Triple Gold Medal Winner
Josephine has dominated the regulated Nanquan events in the youth category by sweeping all three gold medals in the 1st International Nanquan, Nandao & Nangun events! Despite her stunning performance, the budding athlete remained humble and commented that she will continue to work hard. Josephine is definitely one of the young athletes to look out for. 4. Priscilla Lim Sing Hui – Most Number of Supporters
Before the start of Priscilla’s event, a large group of supporters specially came to cheer her on. Including of her team mates from Martial House and National University of Singapore, there were more than 35 supporters who were cheering for her! Despite her 1.5 years hiatus from the Wushu scene, Priscilla did not let her supporters down by attaining the Gold medal in the 2nd International Jianshu event. 5. Yeo Olivia – Most Dedicated Supporter
Martial House would like to specially thank Olivia for her time, effort and commitment in supporting her fellow team mates. Whenever a Martial House athlete is competing, she will be there to assist them, take tons of beautiful photos and scream her lungs out to show her support. She has definitely showcased the true spirit of friendship.
With this, the National Wushu & Sanda Championships 2015 has concluded. Once again, congratulations to all athletes and a big thank you to all who have made this competition possible.
Another Silver Medal for Yu Xuan!
Congratulations to Martial House Star, Tay Yu Xuan for attaining a Silver medal in the Group B Men’s 32-Style Taijijian event at the 8th Asian Junior Wushu Championships! It is a breakthrough for Yu Xuan for attaining medals in both his events at his first major international competition!
Yu Xuan is indeed an uprising young Wushu athlete and we are definitely looking forward to more of his performances in the near future!
The current medal tally for Team Singapore at the 8th Asian Junior Wushu Championships is 1 Gold, 5 Silver & 6 Bronze.
[Updated] Martial House Stars in My Story “Who am I”!
Congratulations to Martial House Stars, Ho Lin Ying & Koh Hao Xuan for emerging as the top 12 finalists of My Story “Who am I”, a Mandarin public speaking contest!
Click here to watch the performances by Lin Ying & Hao Xuan during the contest. Do support the Martial House Stars by voting online! Each individual is allowed to cast one vote each day till 10 September 2015, 12.00pm. The contestant with the most votes will win the “My Favourite Contestant” award and $1,000 cash! So hurry, click here to vote for the Martial House Stars now!
Tay Yu Xuan Attained a Bronze Medal!
Congratulations to Martial House Star, Tay Yu Xuan for attaining a Bronze medal in the Group B Men’s 24-Style Taijiquan event at the 8th Asian Junior Wushu Championships!
This is definitely a notable achievement from the 14 year-old boy who bagged a medal from his first event in his first international competition!
Besides Yu Xuan’s Bronze, Team Singapore managed to clinch another Silver and Bronze medals in the Group B Women’s 32-Style Taijijian event! The medals came from Teo Yu Xuan and Cindy Lim Xin Yi respectively!
Once again, congratulations to all Team Singapore athletes on their achievements! Keep up the good work and hopefully we are able to hear more good news in the coming days! All the best!
[Updated] Update on Wushu TrailBlazer 2015, Xin Xiu ELITE Summit for Martial House Athletes
Information and details about the competition for the upcoming Wushu TrailBlazer 2015, Xin Xiu ELITE Summit are now available. You may access them by clicking the link below. 1. Participants’ List 2. Competition Events Line-Up 3. Competitor List For more information, click here to visit the Wushu TrailBlazer 2015, Xin Xiu ELITE Summit website. Martial House athletes who are participating in this competition are encouraged to check that your names are included and spelled correctly in both the Participants’ List and Competitor List. Also, take note of the day(s) and time(s) of the event(s) you are competing in. The competition is held on 1 & 2 August 2015, Saturday & Sunday. If you have any queries, do approach any of the Martial House coaches or you may drop an email to [email protected].
Day 3 of the 28th SEA Games Wushu Competition
Yesterday was the last day of the 28th SEA Games Wushu competition and the athletes from Team Singapore have performed outstandingly well by attaining a total of 2 Gold & 2 Silver medals! The medallists for day 3 are: Women’s Optional Taijijian Valerie Wee Ling En – Silver Men’s Optional Taijiquan Lee Tze Yuan – Gold Men’s Compulsory Taijiquan Samuel Tan Wei Han – Silver Men’s Duel Event – Barehand Fung Jin Jie, Tan Xiang Tian & Tay Wei Sheng – Gold Clik here to view the results of the competition.
As such, the Wushu competition of the 28th SEA Games has concluded with Singapore topping the medal standings with a grand total of 6 Gold, 3 Silver & 3 Bronze medals!
It was definitely an emotional night for all the athletes who have trained hard for the months. It is no wonder that team captain, Lee Tze Yuan teared during the victory ceremony. Once again, congratulations to all athletes!
Wushu Daze would like to make a special dedication to Team Singapore Wushu athlete, Fung Hui Xin. Just one week before the competition, Hui Xin tore an anterior cruciate ligament in her right knee. As such, she could not compete in all four of her events, including the Women’s Duel Event – Weapons, in this SEA Games. Let’s all wish Hui Xin a speedy recovery and look forward to her return back on the Wushu arena again soon! Catch day 3 of the Wushu competition on YouTube via Sport Singapore channel. Part 1: Part 2:
Martial House Stars Yi Xiang & Zoe on the Papers!
After attaining the gold medal in the Men’s and Women’s Optional Changquan in the 28th SEA Games, Martial House Stars Yong Yi Xiang & Zoe Mui were featured on various newspapers. Wushu Daze has consolidated some of the news articels here for your reading pleasure: 1. The New Paper, page 12 of the sports section on 7 June 2015.
2. The Sunday Times, page 46 of the Sport section on 7 June 2015.
3. Lianhe Zaobao, page 17 of the sports section on 7 June 2015.
4. The New Paper, page 17 of the Sports section on 8 June 2015.
5. The Straits Times, page B21 of the Sport section on 8 June 2015.
6. Lianhe Zaobao, page 14 of the Sports section on 8 June 2015.