The June Holiday is here! Looking for some fun and enriching activities? Join us in our holiday programmes!
1. Wushu Day Camp A day camp for new practitioners and/or beginners where they will be introduced to the basic fundamentals of Wushu, to better understand and appreciate the cultural art and sport. During the 2 full days, besides improving their strength, flexibility and coordination, participants will also learn about martial morality, the guiding principles behind Wushu. Venue MHQ Date Session A: 30 – 31 May 2016 Session B: 2 – 3 June 2016 Time 9:00am – 6:00pm Price Star Card Member: $198.00 (1 session) Non-Star Card Member: $220.00 (1 session) 2. Intensive Training The Intensive Training is specially catered to Wushu athletes who are preparing for competitions at both national and international levels to improve their technical knowledge and skills.
Venue MHQ Date Changquan: 6, 8, 10, 14 & 16 June 2016 Nanquan & Taijiquan: 7, 9, 13, 15, 17 June 2016 Time AM Session: 9:00am – 12:00pm PM Session: 1:00pm – 4:00pm Price Star Card Member: $360.00 (2 sessions) / $198.00 (1 session) Non-Star Card Member: $400.00 (2 sessions) / $220.00 (1 session) If you have any queries about our holiday programmes, feel free to contact Timothy via email at [email protected].