Today marks the first day of theĀ 11th National Primary Schools Wushu Championship 2015. However, the competition began on a low note as the participants and supporters observed a moment of silence to remember Singapore’s founding father, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who passed away earlier this morning at 3.18am.
There was a total of 10 events today and the competition was definitely intense. Four students have done Martial House and their schools proud by attaining a Gold, a Silver, a Bronze & a 3rd Runner-Up! They are: 4-Duan Sword (Senior Boys): Ng Shinn (Ngee Ann Primary School) – Gold Sword (Junior Girls): Flavia Sim Xi Qin (Kong Hwa School) – Silver 4-Duan Sword (Junior Boys): Austin Chong Sze Ze (De La Salle School) – Bronze 4-Duan Sword (Junior Girls): Ng Yu Ninn (Haig Girls’ School) – 3rd Runner-Up Congratulations to the winners! For those who did not win, do not be disheartened. Continue to work hard and your time will come! All the best for the rest of the competition!