On 16 November 2015, an exchange programme was conducted between the Wushu teams of Meridian Junior College (MJC) & Beatty Secondary School (BSS). The programme was led by Martial House coaches, Wan GuangYao Eric, Hu Xiaodan & Jeremy Tan.
With the objective to provide BSS students a first-hand experience of the training intensity in MJC, the coaches conducted a series of interactive, yet tedious training activities for the students. Esther Low, a member of BSS Wushu team, said “It was a fun and great experience to have an exchange programme with MJC. It is our first time training with these seniors. Just by observing their training methods, it motivates me to work even harder during training.”
Melvin Tan, Vice-Captain of MJC Wushu team shared some of his thoughts, “The training was enriching as we got to train with secondary school students who could be the next generation of team mates or competitors in the ‘A’ Division competition. Hope the students from BSS will continue to pursue their passion in Wushu even after graduation!”
Adrian Tan, Captain of MJC Wushu team, also mentioned, “It was really nice to have the BSS students training with us and I hope they enjoyed the session as much as we do! Hope they will come for another session soon!” The Wushu exchange programme was indeed an eye opening and satisfying experience for students from both MJC & BSS. The session would not be possible without the active support and coordination of the teachers-in-charge from both teams. A big thank you to all for making the programme a successful one!