We are left with one last week before the June holiday ends! Just like most students, the Martial House coaches took the opportunity to take a short break before the start of the new academic semester!
With the objective of strengthening bonds, the staff of Martial House were away for a company retreat from 16 to 19 June 2015 at Bangkok, Thailand!
The Martial House staff was privileged to stay in Baiyoke Sky Hotel, the tallest hotel in Southeast Asia, for accommodation. From the rooms, one would be mesmerize by the magnificent view of the beautiful capital of Thailand.
Besides shopping, the Martial House team took time to visit popular landmarks such as the Floating Market and Four-Faced Buddha to appreciate the rich cultural heritage of the country. Through these experiences, the coaches are reminded of the importance of cultural preservation which is highly relevant to the field of Wushu, given that the Chinese martial art is considered both a traditional and modern sport today.
Though it was a short 4 day 3 night staff retreat, the Martial House coaches are indeed grateful for the fully sponsored trip! A big thank you to Martial House and Managing Director, Mr. Leo Wen Yeow!