
Chiam Hwee Han

中文姓名: 詹暐翰

Chiam Hwee Han is a qualified Wushu coach, certified by Singapore National Wushu Federation and a certified NROC and NCAP coach.Having a strong foundation in his wushu sports learning, Hwee Han is well trained in different levels of Chang Quan and Nan Quan wushu routines and international wushu competition routines for both arenas.In addition, Coach Chiam has a strong foundation in different traditional wushu routines. Hwee Han has been in wushu coaching for the past ten years and he has been very dedicated in grooming the young talents, nurturing them into strong and confident athletes.

The students under his trainings have have shown progressive improvements and are pro-active towards his coaching. Many of the students under his teachings have obtained outstanding results in the inter-school wushu competitions.

Currently as wushu sports coach, Hwee Han is engaged in wushu coaching for a number of primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions, many community clubs and organizations.

Coaching Qualifications Issued By
Certificate for Coaches (National) Singapore Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance Federation
National Registry of Coaches (NROC) Singapore Sports Council
NCAP Theory Singapore Sports Council
NCAP Technical Singapore Sports Council
First Aid (Adult) Singapore First Aid Training Centre
De Wu Pugilistic Association Black Belt Coach De Wu Pugilistic Association
PA Trainer People's Association